被褥装套生产线 Production line of bedding and covering 该机级适用于涤纶短纤,三维中空,羊毛等纤维生产,应用于被褥枕芯等.另有机组用于生产*床垫,沙发垫,榻榻米,过滤材料,吸音毡等材料的生产线供客户选购. Briefing: This machine unit is suitable for production of fiber such as pollyester staple,3-d hollow,and wool for bedding and pillow inner. The stiff waddings produced by this machine unit ia replacement of sponge,used for exclusive mattress,sofa cushion,ta*i,filtering material and acoustic felt,etc.The stiff waddings dryer adopts stainless steel chain plate structure,to ensure the smoothness and flatness of product surface. 标签: 深圳市被褥装套生产线 深圳市被褥装套生产线厂家 广东 深圳市深圳市被褥装套生产线厂家 供应被褥装套生产线